With our world becoming ever so interdependent due to technology, trade of goods and services, information sharing and people, there is a growing need to gain insights into the complete chain of how we get our products. Supply chain management starts with an idea and encompasses the flow of goods (raw material, the production of the idea, information systems) till it is received by the customer. In the past, organisations have primarily focused on production and what was happening within their company, but today’s customer has shaken this thought process up.
Today’s customer demands are high as they do not only want a reliable quality product but an ethically sustained product, delivered quickly and easily to their door. Thus, organisations need to shift their thinking, incorporating more transparency within their chain, a service mindset and having a more flexible, proactive culture to adapt and succeed in today’s ever changing market. It is of the upmost importance that companies understand their supply chain (including suppliers and flow of pallets) to identify the current risks they face and determine ways to reduce these risks and optimize their supply chain.
ZmerK Consultancy aims to provide the required service your organisation needs to upgrade your Supply Chain to maximize the needs of both your customers and your internal Supply Chain Management.